Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Counselling

Coaching - Employee Assistance - Supervision

Phone 07801 958 956 for an appointment or to discuss

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07801 958 956

Balanced Minds

How Can I Help

Stress, grief, anxiety, anger, fear, loneliness, sadness are all feelings we experience at some time in our lives; they are usual emotional responses to life events.

When those feelings, thoughts or a situation become overwhelming or distressing or cause continuing worries for you, it can interfere with day to day life, can create problems in relationships with partners, friends, parents or colleagues. It may lead to depression, isolation, low self-esteem or other problems that can affect health and well-being.

Many of us talk to family, friends or others about some things; but there may be times when it doesn't feel OK and it can add to our worries because of their response. Maybe the difficulties you are experiencing are because of that person you might normally confide in or are close to?

Talking to a counsellor is different. It is a relationship where you are not judged, criticised or told what you should do or how you should be. It is where you can talk openly about your thoughts and feelings and about past, present or future situations; what it all means for you and how it affects you.


There are different options to approach the issues you are experiencing; Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness or Coaching. During the initial telephone consultation I will consider your individual requirements and discuss the options with you to determine the most relevant approach.